Asparagus – Interesting facts about the noble vegetable

Asparagus – Interesting facts about the noble vegetable

Asparagus is considered the favorite vegetable of the Germans. No wonder, then, that many rumors and myths surround the pole vegetable. In this article, we’ll get to the bottom of some claims and answer some of the most common questions about the noble vegetable.

Is asparagus healthy?

Yes! Asparagus has a popular reputation for being particularly healthy. Which is one reason why every German eats almost two kilos of it every year.

The sprouts is rich in potassium and contains aspartic acid named after him. These substances stimulate energy metabolism and have a supporting effect on liver and kidney activity.

Just half a kilo of the vegetable also covers half the daily requirement of folic acid. Thanks to its many beneficial properties, asparagus has been used as a medicinal plant for centuries.

Caution with kidney disease

However, anyone who has kidney problems or is prone to gout should take asparagus out of their diet as a precaution. Due to its high purine content, it can therefore not be recommended without restrictions. Purines are metabolized in the body into uric acid. Too much uric acid in the body can lead to gout attacks and promotes the formation of kidney stones.

Does it help you lose weight?

Yes, because the delicious sticks are true fillers and at the same time contain very few calories. Even if you manage to eat a whole kilo, you will only consume 180 kilocalories. So if you want to lose weight, you should definitely consider asparagus in your diet plan. However, beware of hearty sauces (e.g. hollandaise sauce). As delicious as they are, they are high in calories. Just 100 ml of hollandaise sauce weighs in at 300 kcal.

Why does a piece of butter go into the asparagus water?

I think very little of butter in the cooking water. Most of it remains as a greasy film in the water and ends up in the sink with the rest of the cooking water. Rather melt the butter separately and then toss the asparagus in it or pour it over the asparagus. Thus, the butter enhances and supports the delicate flavor of the vegetables. It is true that you should always eat asparagus with a little fat. Asparagus and other vegetables have the fat-soluble vitamin E, which the body cannot absorb without fat and then excretes unused.

Does asparagus have a dehydrating effect?

Yes! Its dehydrating effect can be attributed to its high content of potassium and aspartic acid. These stimulate kidney activity and thus provide a detoxifying and draining effect. In addition, asparagus consists of 95 percent water. A normal serving of 400 g contains about 380 ml of water. So if you eat a plate, you drink a big glass of water at the same time.

Where does the typical asparagus smell in urine come from?

The unpleasant smell that many asparagus lovers perceive when going to the toilet is genetically determined and does not occur in everyone. The odor is caused by an enzyme that processes aspartic acid into sulfur-containing components. These are excreted in the urine and become noticeable in the nose.

Anyone who does not notice a strong odor when going to the toilet after eating asparagus either does not possess this enzyme or belongs to the small group that cannot perceive these sulfur compounds. This is referred to as specific anosmia (selective non-smell).

Can you eat asparagus raw?

Yes, even though in most cases the vegetable is cooked, it can also be enjoyed raw without hesitation. Especially suitable for raw consumption are green asparagus varieties. These have a softer skin and only need to be washed before consumption. You can simply chop it up and use it in a salad, for example.

White asparagus can also be eaten raw, but must be thoroughly peeled beforehand. Since pale asparagus grows underground, it has a fibrous to woody skin. The asparagus heads are a real treat raw, regardless of color, with a delicate aroma.

Does green asparagus need to be peeled?

In most cases, green asparagus does not need to be peeled. It has no fibrous-woody skin that could spoil the pleasure. With him it is already enough to cut off the dry ends with a knife. However, for particularly thick stems, it may be necessary to peel the lower third.

Is purple asparagus inferior in quality?

No! You can often find dark-colored asparagus spears at the weekly market, which are sold at a lower price than the white varieties. Their hue ranges from a light reddish-purple tone to almost black. However, the reason for the lower price is not the lower quality, but the preferences of us consumers. Purple asparagus is even the healthiest variety. White asparagus is extremely popular in Germany and its cultivation is particularly cost-intensive, which affects the price.

The color of purple asparagus comes from anthocyanins, which serve as a natural sunscreen for the plant. These have an antioxidant effect in the body and protect our cells from free radicals. In general, purple asparagus contains far more healthy ingredients than pale or green asparagus and offers a more intense flavor. So be sure to grab it the next time you buy asparagus! Likegreen asparagus, the purple variety should not be peeled or peeled only in the lower part.

Can asparagus be frozen without any problems?

Yes, asparagus is one of those vegetables that are great for freezing. However, it must not be defrosted before preparation. For this reason, it must be thoroughly cleaned and peeled before it goes into the freezer pre-portioned.

If you dry the stems carefully after cleaning, you can remove them one at a time later without the stems freezing into a large block.

Is the best wine to accompany asparagus dishes always a Silvaner?

Asparagus is a bit tricky in terms of its wine accompaniment. Its slight bitterness and subtle aromas call for a wine with low acidity and equally graceful flavors. For this reason, a Silvaner is quite suitable as a stable companion. However, not all asparagus is the same and therefore some wine recommendations follow:

  • Pale asparagus: Silvaner, Pinot Blanc or Chasselas
  • Green asparagus: Riesling, Pinot Gris or Pinot Blanc
  • Purple asparagus: Pinot Blanc or Rivaner

However, these recommendations apply only to asparagus pure. If you serve a sauce with it, you must always choose the right wine according to it. White asparagus with a hearty hollandaise sauce literally call out for the acidity of a Riesling, which harmonizes wonderfully with the fat of the sauce.

Can asparagus be stored in the refrigerator?

If you must. Asparagus should, if possible, from the field directly to the table. As the Leibnitz Institute for Vegetable and Ornamental Crops in Großbeeren found out during a study, the noble vegetable loses considerable flavor after just one day.

If you still can’t process your fresh asparagus right away, you should wrap it in a damp kitchen towel and store it in the crisper. It keeps like this for about three days.

Is asparagus good for the intestines and intestinal flora?

Yes! In addition to vitamins and minerals, asparagus contains the dietary fiber inulin. This is a natural prebiotic and serves as food for our beneficial gut bacteria.

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