Vodka cranberry

Der klassische Wodka-Longdrink zum Brunch
Wodka Cranberry Cocktail Rezept
leicht (bis 10%)
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Vodka cranberry

Viele denken bei einem Wodka Cranberry einfach an etwas Wodka mit einer gehörigen Portion Cranberrysaft. Stimmt, in der Regel findet man ihn so in nahezu jeder Bar dieser Welt. Wer jedoch etwas auf sich hält, greift noch zu einem Schuss Orangen- und Limettensaft, um den Drink auf ein anderes Level zu heben.

Die wichtigste Zutat in diesem Longdrink-Cocktail ist der Cranberrysaft. Achte daher auf einen hochwertigen Saft und probiere bestenfalls zuvor mehrere aus, bis du den besten für deinen Geschmack gefunden hast. Da der Wodka lediglich für den Alkohol sorgt und geschmacklich fast gar nicht in Erscheinung tritt, solltest du für deinen Wodka Cranberry definitiv keinen Premiumwodka verwenden.

  • Prep Time2 min
  • Cook Time1 min
  • Total Time3 min
  • Yield1 Glas
  • Serving Size200 ml
  • Energy122 cal


Für den Wodka Cranberry

  • 40 ml Wodka (40 Vol.-%)
  • 140 ml Cranberrysaft
  • 10 ml Orangensaft*
  • 10 ml Limettensaft
  • 1 Bio-Limettenscheibe
  • Eiswürfel*



Ein vorgekühltes Longdrink-Glas zu 3/4 mit Eiswürfel füllen.
Nebenbei die Limette heiß Abwaschen und halbieren. Eine dünne Scheibe zur Dekoration abschneiden und eine Hälfte der Limette auspressen.
Wodka, Cranberrysaft, Orangensaft und Limettensaft über die Eiswürfel ins Glas gießen und anschließend langsam mit einem Barlöffel verrühren.
Zum Schluss das Glas mit der Limettenscheibe garnieren und mit einem Strohhalm (optional) servieren. Fertig ist dein selbstgemachter Wodka Cranberry!

Klassisch wird der Longdrink zum Brunch serviert und enthält dementsprechend nur einen geringen Alkoholanteil. Das übliche Mischungsverhältnis liegt bei 1:4, also ein Teil Wodka auf 4 Teile Filler (Cranberry-, Orangen- und Limettensaft). Wenn du ihn lieber stärker genießt, erhöhst du schlicht das Verhältnis auf beispielsweise 1:3.

  • Nährwerte

  • 1 servings per container
  • Serving Size200 ml
  • Amount per serving
  • Calories122
  • % Daily Value*Standard DV
  • Total Fat0.9 g78 g1.15%
  • Total Carbohydrate9.3 g275 g3.38%
  • Dietary Fiber0.7 g28 g2.5%
  • Total Sugars9.1 g
  • Protein0.1 g50 g0.2%
  • Calcium4.4 mg1300 mg0.34%
  • Iron0.1 mg18 mg0.56%
  • Potassium20 mg4700 mg0.43%
  • Vitamin A0.001 mcg900 mcg0%
  • Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)7.9 mg90 mg8.78%
  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)0.014 mg1.2 mg1.17%
  • Phosphorus1.7 mg1250 mg0.14%
  • Iodine0.14 mcg150 mcg0.09%
  • Magnesium1.7 mg420 mg0.4%
  • Chloride0.4 mg2300 mg0.02%
  • Alkohol14 g

Die besten Zutaten für deinen Cocktail

Preis inkl. MwSt., ggf. zzgl. Versandkosten / Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-03-26 / Affiliate Links / Bildquelle: Amazon Product Advertising API

Vodka Cranberry Cocktail: Simply Homemade and Irresistibly Delicious!

In the mood for a delicious, refreshing cocktail that goes with any occasion? Whether you’re looking for a new drink for your next party or just want to enjoy a relaxing evening at home, our vodka cranberry cocktail recipe is guaranteed to put a smile on your face!

What makes this cocktail so special? It is the perfect balance between sweet, sour and strong. The vodka* provides the strength, while the cranberry juice and orange juice offer a harmonious blend of sweetness and acidity.

Why vodka cranberry?

The vodka-cranberry cocktail is a true classic and over the years has secured its place in the hearts and bars of people worldwide. But what makes him so irresistible?

The perfect balance

The beauty of this cocktail lies in its simple composition, which performs a harmonious balancing act between the different flavor profiles. Here, the smooth, neutral taste of vodka, the fruity sweetness of cranberry juice and the citrus notes of orange and lime juice come together.

Simplicity is key

Less is sometimes more, and that definitely applies to the vodka-cranberry cocktail. You don’t need exotic ingredients or fancy techniques to create this cocktail. All you need is vodka, cranberry juice, orange juice, lime juice and ice. And of course, a glass to serve your delicious drink.

In the mood for a delicious, refreshing cocktail that goes with any occasion? Whether you’re looking for a new drink for your next party or just want to enjoy a relaxing evening at home, our recipe is guaranteed to put a smile on your face!

What makes this cocktail so special? It is the perfect balance between sweet, sour and strong. The vodka provides the strength, while the cranberry juice and orange juice offer a harmonious blend of sweetness and acidity. Lime juice and ice round off the whole and provide a pleasant freshness.

Why vodka cranberry?

The vodka-cranberry cocktail is a true classic and has secured a place in bars over the years. But what actually makes this so simple cocktail so irresistible?

The perfect balance

The beauty of this cocktail lies in its simplicity, which is a harmonious balancing act between the different flavor profiles. It brings together the neutral character of vodka, the fruity sweetness of cranberry juice and the citrus notes of orange and lime juice.

Simplicity is key

Less is sometimes more, and that’s definitely true with the vodka-cranberry cocktail. You don’t need exotic ingredients, utensils or fancy techniques for it. Since the cocktail is built directly in the guest glass, all you need is the vodka, cranberry juice, orange juice, lime juice, A spoon to stir and decent ice.

Many variation possibilities

Like most cocktails with few ingredients, the Wokda Cranberry invites experimentation. Just replace the orange or lime juice with other ingredients or adjust the mixing ratio a bit and you’ll get a completely new, unique drink.


With our recipe you have everything you need to easily mix your own delicious summer drink – although mixing is a bit of an exaggeration here. Refreshing, delicious and perfectly balanced – what more could you ask for?

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